Slaughter House Saga

Few months ago, the very controversy arosed when someone out of no where have written an petition to Government to stop construction of slaughter of house as Bhutan being holistic and buddhist country. And the copy of letter been uploaded and shared via social media. People from all walks of life have shown their disapproval and disappointment through social media, lots and different kinds of comments are made while their are some sections of people who stands with the decision. when the controversy got viral, i remember government clarifying that Animal won’t be slaughtered in our country but will be imported and the product will be processed in country. 
Yet recently kuensel published a article on “Bhutan To be self sufficient on Pork”. . i have had nostalgia feeling regarding it. why.?? Bhutan being the birth place of many great lamas, teachers, scholars, etc… the slaughter of animals don’t sounds better and its very against the articles and lines enshrined in holy scripture of buddhism by the man him self, Lord buddha. how can we remain silent and be a spectators when animal are taken for slaughter. it hurt our emotion right.!!!! Many religious institution across the globe are against the slaughter of innocent animal just for meal to be enjoyed by hungry people like us. some people says slaughter of animal can lead to natural disaster like earthquake, may be it can be true, though i am bit skeptical on this statement….The fact is animal get killed to be fed to us, if not why animal should be .??? Go vegetarian cohorts if possible.

On Contrary..

Millions of Ruppes are flown out just for importing of meat. many of us, i believe loves having meat as meal, the buzz and shouts inside the meat shop before the auspicious month to ban meat shows how much we people love to have meat, but do we know how hygenic the meat we consume is.??? question to be asked to least the out flow of rupee will be controlled, if so..

the question of self sufficiency seriously stuck my mind every time i encounter this words.??? and i with mixed opinion.
Do we need to worry about the economy of our country?? OR 
Do we need to worry about Buddhism.???

 The question sounds simple yet tough to get answer for it..

Just My Opinion…..

Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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