My Father’s Final Call To His Service.

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I had always felt it’s time now to get superannuated but with broader mind, i also believed that the superannuation would not come sooner. But on night of  14/09/2015 , all out of sudden, my father who have served his king, Country and Royal Bhutan Army for around 32 years gave me a nostalgia feeling. Mixed emotion started to garner around me when he said he’s name is in superannuation list. 

Should i feel proud of my father being able to serve his duty for so long which i am very sure its now rare to see someone serving same office for so long. Or should i become sentimental for i am going to abandon this locality .i.e lungtenphu to which lots of memories are made. Boyhood to manhood , the memories are made and accepted. 
Upon hearing about his superannuation, i realize i am no more kid to my parents, they no more can serve me instead i need to be the one who have to look after our family. responsibility started  to entrust weight to which i am very confident i will be able to shoulder it..
In his 32 years of service , he have made commendable contribution to his organisation and to his cohorts.!! Few will be critical of it, its obvious but i assure lots are proud of it. when world is proud of my father, i being son and known him personally is very much proud of him… 

Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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