Reading, Why I Started?


When I was at Primary School, My English teacher always tries to tell us the important of reading and why we should but me and my class as a whole never paid much attention to her and took all her advices for granted. Sometimes I use to garner interest to read but I Procrastinated. As time passes by, academically I scored average marks especially in English, which would suffice me and keep my hopes satisfied.

Many of my friend around use to read books after books, they frequently visit school library and comes out with three to four books. I wonder what is so special in reading and moreover it’s not the source that can entrust good marks academically. Never did my parents encourage me to read as they are uneducated and unaware of the impact Reading the books will shower.

Self Actualization.

Hearing people around speaking fluent English and writes superbly caused some disharmony inside me. I on contrast always bow my head down if the conversation demands me to speak to English, My writing skill was blunder to the point that my essay would stop with first sentences. That was the situation I faced until i realized.

I was searching via you tube “how to Improve English Language, Structure and grammar”. Read books was the common answer i got from many videos I played, Actually I was expecting shortcuts to Improve and kept reading out of option. Reading wasn’t my forte. I was very committed that time to improve my English skills no matter what the situation demand me to do it moreover our beloved king five declared this year to be “Reading Year”. So, it motivated me to read and play my part in it as well. The very next day, I just heard the Novel “Half Girlfriend” by chetan Bhagat was launched; the title of the book stimulated me to drive towards town and buy it and read. He used less Bombastic words. So it’s easy to understand all the happenings in the book, moreover I read that novel at one go, One night. So it’s kind of very satisfactory. My Journey towards Reading started with “Half Girlfriend”.

Lately as I was randomly counting the number of books I have read, the number is quiet astonishing as I have read around 15 books just in the span of nine months. Lots of changes started to take place inside me and I am obliged to share some with fellow readers:-

  1. My writing skills have drastically changed and can now continue after first sentence though it’s still under process towards better writer and lots of changes need to be done.
  1. My Grammar it too bad to handle yet I can write in decent structure.
  1. I can now speak better English as compare to yesteryear; self confident already have started to build inside me, hope one day I can speak fluent English.
  2. Reading inspirational books, biographies, fiction books have literally changed my thinking and seeing towards society.

Though the three changes I see in myself sound odd and simple, it has bestowed a very huge impact on me especially in personality building. Reading can change us all to being good human being.

Thank You.

Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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