Bringing Humanity Back.

It’s often said all that need to have is one exemplary and inspiring work to inspire others and follow the same footpath, thus bringing back the humanity back which is in the brink of getting ceased. In this modern world of money and technology, most of the people around get into competition to make moreContinue reading “Bringing Humanity Back.”

It’s not same snowy day.

Those where the days when we use to welcome snow wholeheartedly and brace ourselves with the zeal to play with snow till our fingers aches and turns red, we made giant snow ball to which we wore them cloths , that would suffice to resemble snow man to human. attacking strangers passing via nearby footpathsContinue reading “It’s not same snowy day.”

Finally i adieu..

It’s a natural phenomenon , and I wholeheartedly accept feeling nostalgic having to leave the place I was born and raised soon. Recently I wasn’t the same I have been especially the containment of my mind.  I started to garner uneasy feeling and more important I procrastinated reading novels for I have never done the sameContinue reading “Finally i adieu..”

My Waste, My Responsibility.

I quote “Where we live must be clean, safe, organized , and beautiful, for national integrity, national Pride and for our bright future. This too is a nation building.” His Majesty the King, 1st April 2015, Royal Bhutan flower exhibition. Do we people lack sense of responsibility and civic sense when it comes to managingContinue reading “My Waste, My Responsibility.”