Envying those bygone days

As an adult today, we have lots of obligation and our minds are always preoccupied with how we can manage those obligations without hurting and pleasing the society. We literally betray our self-respect and our inner calling in the pretext of fitting and impressing the society. Our days are spent at 9 am to 5 pm jobs, and after that, we have a family responsibility, and with tiring and dizzy eyeballs we resign to bed to end the day. Where is the time to dream freely without worrying about the reaction of societies? Where is the time to love someone unconditionally? Where is the time to sleep peacefully without overthinking and scripting the defeated aftermath?

The part technology is playing in many of our lives and the way we deal with a pressure from the society seriously bothers me. I am also involved in these whole scam. My mobile phones often ring my heart to touch her, and the diverse opinion from society stoops me low every day. I envy those bygone days where technology mattered zero and having a mentality to turn deaf towards the outer force.

Days in schools were not like that. Days in school were the best, it was the best not because we didn’t have any accountability/obligations/responsibilities rather it’s because we can do it freely and openly anything we like or desired without having to think about its repercussion. Every day wasn’t the lucky day because we failed more often and were deprived of many attractive and winsome offers yet we had that audacity and willpower to move on. We didn’t cling onto past. Today, on most occasion it is a sorry state. We never heed on the need to move on. I envy those long bygone days.


We do not move on because we are mostly overwhelmed by society’s hypothesis. We get scared of being an easy target for ridiculing and being lagged behind. A few years ago, I was trapped too by this negative thinking, fortunately, I learned the lesson and am trying to come out of that zone. But not all are fortunate because there are still lots of people who are trapped in this cave. I wish people realize how they used to live during their old days, and eventually tries to imitate it.

Today, technology is outliving human beings life. Facebook, WeChat and other social media apps are seriously making us waste the best times of a day, and best years of our life. Some wise man said, “Technology connects the far, disconnects the near”. This is true and we are already brewing the wrong precedent and can go beyond our control if we don’t control this sick habit. Real conversation i.e. face to face talks got replaced with face time talks and video calls in many cases. Friends decide to get together yet when they finally meet they would have finally wasted 45 minutes in social media from their 1 hr. meet.  This is a sad reality!

The technology was never an option for conversation or for any reason, we literally enjoyed calling someone from windows. Having a long chat face to face without having to unlock cellphone frequently. Those were the real conversation, and it’s already vanishing day by day. I miss those days.

A technology advancement is a good indicator for the progression of mankind, and it literally has a solution to any problem that arises. It makes our work easier and saves lots of our precious time. But is being too much dependent on technology a good way forward? Looking at today’s scenario of how we are oblivion of the basic etiquette of conservation to name a few, I feel extremely sorry. Alas, I am also paying a part into this journey. Truly, we live in a digital world.

When I was in school, my ambition was to pursue music and become a music director. This might sound hilarious and laughable but it’s true. Sometimes I wanted to become an army officer. Those are preset goals without any prejudice and conditions. Had I put more energy into those aims, I might have realized it. I am sure that many peoples have an ambition that is aligned with their interest and hobbies. Those ambitions are mostly discounted by the time we graduated from high school. What happens to them?

The answer to this is not rocket science, we all know the answer. We failed because we live on the terms of what people surrounding us wanted us to be and in the process of pleasing them, alas! We bury our dreams in the graveyard. Further, all this ultimatum are the caused because were oblivious to come out of the comfort zone and live life on our own term. we list other peoples opinion on top.

Sun is setting too fast, time is running out and it’s important for us to realize these few aspects which are mentioned in the above paragraphs. It’s never too late to change, and redirect your life all for blighting the coming days.


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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