Define failure?

currency of happiness

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“What” – Screamed his mother who is totally in dismay hearing her son’s word; as a parent, it was our duty to give you good upbringing and education, and I totally justified my duty. Now, do whatever you like but don’t forget that you betrayed my expectation, said his mother.

Her son’s name was Tandin.

Upon hearing his mom’s sharp and strict words, Tandin started to weep, felt deranged and he went blank. Without anyone to solace, he jumped on his bed and took refuge in sleep for a couple of days. He felt like getting depression. He didn’t have envisioned anything nor he has anything way forward with the marks he scored. Future is dark for him. who will be the salvation to escape from this situation?

Tandin Dorji is a Cl. XII pass out with an average mark; these marks can lend him nowhere. He spent many days in a dilemma until his mother came forward to discuss the way forward. Upon sitting for more than hours, they concluded with three resolutions:

  1. To go for further studies.
  2. To enter into the labour market and hunt for jobs.
  3. To repeat cl. XII again.

These resolutions are merely the expectation of his mother from him. He didn’t have much say into it. He was actually cajoled to accept it. Since his childhood he was an enthusiast and was good at painting, so he always wanted to become a top painter. But, just when he was about to realise his dream, life presented him different dimension.

Are these the definite conclusion? Will it be as successful as intended? Are these he looks forward to? What are his ambitions, goals? With a different question that strikes him, his mental capability stooped to where it all began. Who can show him the right direction?

His father is a musician and was hardly home with them as he often gets involves in tours and other obligations. One day, when he was returning home, he got appalled to see his son’s wearied face. Tandin shared all the dilemma he is experiencing and the thoughts that are belittling him. With the positive face, He said;

Dear son;

Life is not a fairy tale and it will never be unless you are in upper realms. The fact is that we are human.  Since you are one, you are bound to ups and downs, success and failures, love and hate, and anything can derail your paths. Learn to live with it and try to focus more on what’s within your reach, forsake those that are beyond your control. Instilling and incepting this phenomenon’s in your daily life are the ultimate solution to all this surrounding obstacles and negativity. Getting affected with negativity can only worsen your present conditions and can lead you to an abyss, I am sure you don’t like to be the part of this squad.

Okay, let me get back to the three resolutions you two have concluded with. If we heed into each of the resolutions, there are redundant expectations and the resources involved, that can wear and beat you many times. Nevertheless, it’s not daunting too; you can still pick and pursue one of the resolutions but be sure of it.

Hmmm… let us think out of the box, let’s abandon all these resolutions and think of something that you will truly cherish and embrace. What are your hobbies and expectations from life? Asked his dad. Painter, Tandin murmured!

Pursuing education without the involvement of your interest and that perseverance to pursue will definitely become futile.  It will be costly for us and will end up doing nothing, or doing something that will bog down your energy and will kill you alive. Do something that is close to you and that you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life.

Our life is temporary, and with each passing days, the time to live on this planet in getting numbered. So, you need to contemplate about all these natures. 

upon hearing his dad’s word, Tandin felt tear falls on his cheek. Dad, you are right. All these days, I was thinking about what I should be doing next and felt like carrying the weight of everyone’s expectations on my shoulders. I was anxious about my future. I was ashamed of my result. I became subject of mockery and ridiculing everytime I converse with my friends. All these were driving me into depression.

Dear son, if you feel that the marks you scored and the colourful result you earned determines your future, then you are wrong. These two factors will definitely be light your path and can show you direction but not the future. Education without learning and marks without learning is damn futile. I am not saying to you to abandon education, embrace it for sure. But as said, know how to reap benefit from it. That counts after all. 

Its okay to be a subject of mockery, for now, because you are still young and have a long way to look forward. Dear son, your future depends on your current state of mind. take time and rethink repeatedly what you wanna do in coming days. Never let peoples mock you or have belittling talks about you when you are lying on death bed, these would indicate the failure. The real failure. 

No work is petty as far as you are doing this in accordance with your inner call. Now, Just because your marks don’t lead you in merit ranking, it doesn’t mean you failed. Failures are those that literally gives up upon the first knock.  There is an abundance of opportunities that you can pursue and incubate your talents. Identify what you want to do and pursue it. It doesn’t matter if what you wanna pursue demands higher education or otherwise as far as it is something you will enjoy and love doing for the rest of your life. we are all there to support and back you up. Good Luck.  He bid adieu to his son. Hey, I talked with your mom too, and she accepted it. The time is now, my love. 

After his dad’s positive words, Tandin got encouraged and motivated to make the best utilisation of his life and pursue his dreams at any cost. He readied himself to overcome the daunting challenge on the way to his dream. His dad has been the salvation to overcome all his fears and the director to direct his future. with the new and optimistic energy, he got rejuvenated and started to dream about his ambition. He knew what he wants to do and from what the best of him can be mined.

After a few days, he got enrolled in one of the painting schools and took the course of 18 months. With the passion he has, and the zeal to succeed, his parents who are now happy with son’s choice of career were optimistic and sure that their son would shine and make its name on the top list.

Writer’s note:

The story is fictional and doesn’t intend to defame or disregard anyone. any resemblance in the plot of the story is strictly coincidental. The storytelling or writing isn’t my forte, and my writing skills are limited only to anecdotes about me or someone. Since I have all these shortfalls, I have tried to keep the story to limited dramatic opening though there are lots of scopes to make it more dramatic and appealing. 

Your feedbacks are welcome.


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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