You are still part of our life.


Firstly, we were a school mate for many years, a classmate for couples for years and most importantly we were bound to be a good friend for eternality. you are ought to achieve bigger and gain energetic momentum in your life.

Life has become busier and a couple of years have gone by, and we couldn’t do anything to cherish our friendship yet we still remember you. Since we have opted different faith, we almost lost the contact yet your passion and the perseverance kept our bond grow stronger like never before. You were the epitome of a good human being and an easy choice to befriend.

Dear buddy;

Had you been living among us and mingling with us today, we might have recorded a couple of our own composed song, for this is what you have always envisioned and foreseen. While I was en route to Thimphu from Trashigang, while halting at Bumthang, your place, I remember how we discussed producing music, composing songs, so that we can produce and release these songs in future. Your zeal to music and the energy you entrust are dearly missed today. And you did have your own composition. 

I can still clearly remember “hey bumo” the song that you sang in class on many occasion and on teachers day. You literally nailed it, bro. Moreover, the companionship we have courted in the form of “chorus singer” while I was singing “Addict” the Dzongkha song during Teachers day.  You are the master in this subject and I envy your talent YET faith had his own plan and it is devastating and excruciatingly painful one. Every time I hear or overhear someone listening to “hey bumo” it reminds me of you, and that feeling overwhelms me.

You are the craziest dude I have ever known, you have all the traits human beings likes to own and on the other hand, you also have all that traits human beings basically prefer to disown and dispossess. Since you are a complete package of human beings, and what you possess outweighs the dispossess one – dude, you had been a good human being. Just like the best and attractive and appealing roses are picked first from the garden, a good human being left us first. Life had played the game with us and faith definitely haven’t even tried to amend what’s written in your life. I genuinely miss you, dude.

The futsal we played in the middle of the class, and the Nu. 10 worth Top-ramen we use to have as a substitute for lunch, walking over the ground, teasing each other and making violent pranks- all these memories we brewed over our school days are dearly missed. Had you been here with us today, we will be definitely living those days again, for you still, after graduating from school had the traits inside you to do crazy stuff. However, since destiny and faith have blown our mind with the devastating news, all these now remains as a memoir, Gutted!

You must be driving a brand new car, blasting the music, your friend as your passenger, we must be brewing memories. You often tabled the discussion with me about owning a new car and the source to finance it. You had that determination and zeal to achieve what you dreamt, and I always believed in these traits of you. But it was all futile and never knew we were actually hallucinating because we never took into account the nature of impermanence and uncertainty. I extremely feel sorry for your loss and having to be the earlier one to leave.

Dude, this anecdote I have tried to note may not suffice to describe your personality as a whole and I am confident that many would literally fail to describe you because the reason for me to put brief memories of us while staying together is the testament to how good you were as a human being. so, it is hard to describe you. 

The dreams, The integrity, Not being naysayers, The dedications, The perseverance, the list goes on….This are all the attributes of you that makes me admire you a lot. We were not the best friend But definitely, a good friend that was bound to stay for many years But Alas, we are not the luckier ones. 

Today, I can enunciate that I was fortunate to have known you and other the other hand, with the heavy heart, I feel unfortunate to have known you for a brief period.

Writer’s note:

A few years ago, while I was enjoying the privilege of some free moments in office, and after taking refuge on Facebook to subside the degree of my boredom. From what I have seen on his timeline – My mind was blown away, I was speechless and was appalled to know that my friend passed away while on the duty. It was difficult to digest the news at first, but I managed to move on. However, since we have sown beautiful memories, I am cajoled to write this anecdote or as a tribute to my dear friend. Hope I did justice to it. I genuinely hope you are in a better place watching how your friends are suffering from daunting challenges.

You are still part of our life.


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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