My former office.


After having served RPBC, Yusipang for 5.8 years. Today I can proudly say that professionalism literally ignited from this office. And I am sure the lessons that I have been able to retrieve and digest, and being able to heed on every aspect of nature of works will definitely help me in future to explore the avenues to materialize my accumulated experiences.

It was only 3 years into my service when I embarked onto a journey as an accountant for this office. My bits of knowledge were limited only to the basic of accountancy and the determination to work was low where I didn’t even have the gut to say “No” for an unlawful proposal. Today, these are not the weakness of me rather a strength to cement my preference of working environment. Now, I can say “No” for “No” and “Yes” for “Yes”.

After 9 years as a civil servant, I can state that I got matured on some professional agenda. I am sure, rest will follow in years to come.

Working at RPBC was not everybody’s cup of tea, an Accountant literally has to perform multi-tasking where you become the center of attraction and an easy subject to pick for every decision that needs to be made for the operation of the office. Multi-tasking demands and involves a great deal of effort, zeal, perseverance, and determination to learn, and need to be aware of every rules and regulation, Acts, Manuals. Any mere lapses in any of the process, an accountant will be held accountable. It was not an easy task but definitely not impossible as far as you inject the required efforts into it.

Having a difference with the staff often was common and had hard talk even on some occasion. However, we didn’t take all these personally, rather we took it on the professional ground. it was tough but it was surely an illuminating one.

I can say that I am now quite aware of rules and regulation that are in the purview of the ministry of finance. And I am confident that all these knowledge that I gained will play an integral part in shaping my career and most importantly the endeavor I choose.

My former office had been instrumental to the everyday task I performed. Their patience to listen despite being bereft of adequate knowledge and the cooperation that showered on me in achieving what is desired by many service provider towards the receiver had been the essence and true components of a man I am today. They had been wonderful coworkers and a guide to a young service provider like me.

Towards, the end of my tenure, the dinner they have arranged might be a testimony to the good services I have provided over my staying period. Moreover, it might be that I was able to live up to their expectations. I am overwhelmed by their gesture and it further encouraged me to do best in what I do best.

I thank the management for making my stay at RPBC memorable and fulfilling and putting collective efforts to achieve the objectives of a Centre. I had an open and broad-minded coworker.

Today, as I embark into a new journey in a new office, I look forward to a positive working environment where it pushes me to excel and enhance my skills and knowledge. Further, I look forward to cooperation and collective efforts being injected by all fraternity involved. Nevertheless, I expect to confront the daunting challenges that await me.

I am now looking only the Accounts, and to relieve my pressure I won’t me multi-tasking. But ready to perform if the situation demands.


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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