An open letter.

Let me give a try. It is not my forte to write an open letter but seeking discomfort [newfound inspiring catchphrase] I embarked onto writing it.


Dear Receiver;

From the bottom of my heart – I offer you my sincere gratitude for making me a part of your digital life. In today’s time, it is extremely difficult to trust and to invest precious hours of ours into someone unknown but you exactly did the contrast and vested your time into knowing more of me and expressing equivalently about self. Thanks for entrusting your trust in me. I shall always reciprocate the same to you.

It all started on 5th June and Today, its 6th July. Exactly one month ago, we started to connect digitally and it, as expected was a thought-provoking and illuminating journey to know bits about you and your passion,  and your mindset just awes me. Do not change it, embrace what’s inside you.

Let me confess something;

Did you know that the kindest words and intention are more influential than the grandest of action?  Many decades have passed, and I can partly say that I have seen life in every context. As far as I can recollect, other than my family members and other close associates, No one has motivated or professed a kind word that could ignite my zeal to dream again – to realize the goals that I always preconceived. Lately, we had a conversation regarding the PE [preliminary examination] and in midst of that, you suggested I should get enlist to appear for that. Further, you corroborated your stand with other facts that resonate with the entrant exam.

Your words just provoked the emotions that often sleeps and the very next day, I registered for PE with the attitude to withstand the result I get. I feel more determined to take this examination seriously because I already had the lesson learned in the past years. Having said that, Result doesn’t matter – Intention matters like you said. I am all in 

Don’t think too much; I reiterate – “Overthinking is an art of creating a problem that doesn’t even exist. Believe me when I say it – I was a dedicated over thinker once and I still do on many occasions. Over the year, I realize that overthinking just exhaust our energy and 80% of the repercussions we imagined doesn’t even exist or happen.  If that’s the pretext, why should we overthink? The remaining 20% can be kept as reserve to think on the D-day. Why now? Overthinking is just a habit that we became accustomed to. It can be changed. “Every change it hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end”. There are different strategies that work to overcome overthinking, there could be one for you. For me- every time my mind unconsciously tend to overthink I just replenish the same mind with positive thinking and visualize positive outcomes. It works wonder.

We are yet to meet in person, and to describe you on face value and on what’s shared on social media – it wouldn’t be justified and it’s better to rest the case until next time when we meet in person. Nevertheless, As far as I am a concern, I presume you are the dreamer and the believer. Your hard work, perseverance, and relentless effort made it possible to pursue higher studies at a tender age and now working in one of the rated organization, that’s a huge achievement but definitely not the end. You are a dreamer so I guess you already have a dream to master your art. Keeping dreaming. The time will come when you reminisce all your achievement and feel proud of what you have achieved. I am also a dreamer but mine gets often distracted and stagnant.

Drink it when you have the capacity. Sing it loud when you have an audible voice. Dance it when you have energy. The fact is when we are old enough, even if we have the zeal and passion for all this, our body and senses will literally fail us. When you do all these, I am sure there are naysayer peeps and those who bitch behind. Unless the intentions are clear and loud, no opinion should matter and it definitely shouldn’t outcast us from the authentic self. You love having fun, so have fun without the obligation towards the people nearby.

Now to rest the letter, I feel fortunate to have digitally connected with someone who has similar dreams and passion and having known a bit about you in the last one months. I look forward to a similar conversation, to know more about you in the coming days, and if possible to meet in person. Till then, take care and enjoy your life – Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day.

Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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