Picture source: Google image: Flat thinking concept Vector  

How do you want you to be remembered when you leave this very place? Contemplating this aspect of life would supplement in a quest to lead an amazing endeavor of life. The fact is no one likes to hear someone bitching when you leave. we all want to hear and see the words of appreciation and good-talk afloat.

In a usual/normal setting, we normally deduce a lesson only when the consequences befall, whereas this could be easily avoided if we inculcate a habit of “Knowing the end first” before embarking on a new beginning.

when I write about it, I am inclining more towards visualizing how you want you to be remembered as a person, at your workplace or back home. For more, The book ” The 7th habit of highly effective people” authored by Steven R. Covey has one chapter dedicated to this, emphasizing the importance of inculcating this habit.

In the context of one’s work-life, if you want to be remembered as someone honest, truthful, helpful, dedicated, friendly, you may add – the time to act in order to achieve these qualities starts today. It’s never too late to start.  Simultaneously, this would bequeath you with the attributes of good human beings that they can set as a model to other struggling colleagues.

On the other hand, when you leave the current employer,  I am sure that you don’t want to be remembered as a bad person who is always involved in wrongdoings, cheating, bias, manipulation, flattering, you add. So, today, we should realize this and work towards how you want you to be remembered. Leaving a positive legacy testifies the impact you had on others’ life.

As said by Robin Sharma, we should never accord an opportunity for others to celebrate at our expense. and should not be oblivious of keeping our legacy immortalized and be cemented for all time to come.  Further, the befitting quote by him ” Every change is hard at first, messy in the middle and glorious at the end”. So, we should not procrastinate to be a good human being first by working on your desired ending.

Knowing the end alone suffices to define the life that awaits and it also empowers us to withstand the odds that are bound to befall on us. The principles we have envisioned through good traits and its demand to abide by it irrespective of circumstances and causes should corroborate in becoming a good human being. Moreover, this will help in invoking the attributes of a good human that resides in all of us.

Writer’s note: The concept of “Knowing end” is shared only because I find this resonating to all of us and illuminating to make good use of our daily lives, most importantly to be a good human being. This is neither my own experience nor I am preaching it. I am just an ordinary dude. 


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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