Am I one of them?


People told me, on many occasions that ” You are a blogger”. I have the page [] and I do write on that page But still, I don’t count to be one of the bloggers.

Whenever they address me with that name, On the contrary, I always, Kindly declined their address, for I still do not find myself worthy enough to be called Blogger. There are many areas where I need to improve, strengthen and loopholes to fill up.

I am just an amateur writer. The writer that initially, after drawing inspiration from other top Bhutanese bloggers embarked on this journey solely to practice writing, accumulate writing skills and keep it as a journal. I never intended to make it public until recently to break the barriers of insecurity.

Further, as a supplement to my personality, the page was started. Peoples who know me personally are aware of the kind of introverts I behold. I am an introvert person who doesn’t talk much nor express his feeling, and who always find a pretext to further reserve his feeling.

In writing I find a perfect solace to rely upon.

Over the year, this very page had been a resonating refuge for me to incorporate my thoughts into words.

I do not seek to gain popularity or recognition, nor have accumulated astounding knowledge and skills to be known as Blogger. I, as always, looked on me just as an amateur writer whose strength lies only in writing anecdotes and about other niche subjects. I am at the work-in-progress stage. 

Nevertheless, I aspire to be one of the top writers down the line and inspire many amateur writers like me who finds solace in scribbling ones thought. 


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

2 thoughts on “Am I one of them?

  1. i can sense uou found niche in writing…certainly people who can go through your writings can draw an immense inspirational and motivation to embark through the road of writing ….


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