Since the inception of awarding of a medal after completing a dedicated number of years in a service, I have always looked forward to receiving my first recognition which would bestow me a sense of accomplishment. Today, I can proudly profess that I have completed 10 years of dedicated service to TSA-WA-SUM, and is one of the recipients of a BRONZE medal.

One decade ago, on 1st July 2010, with the ignited and burning desire, I embarked on a journey to work as a civil servant without any grand goals and ambitions. Initially, I never expected to make this far given the complex nature of the job I am going to engross to and for diverting to this profession from what I always dreamt to achieve.

Life moved on and on the way, I got an opportunity to correspond with diverse people from diverse backgrounds and deduce so many life lessons that played an integral part in the making of what I am today and made my work life comfortable and enjoyable over the years.

In order to accomplish this milestone, it wasn’t a fairy tale, rather it was daunting and mentally challenging but fortunately with the blessing and support from my well-wisher, I was able to surmount this with patience and perseverance. All these lessons were enough for me to understand the true dimension and perspective of life and it supplemented in the grooming of my personality.

In the last decade, in retrospect, the accomplishment that is dear and would help me to customize my professional path was my decision to enroll for a degree program at RTC. The result of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination still gives me immense pride and satisfaction given the relentless effort Injected and the hardship endured in preparation for the examination.

Further, I have encountered people who could be a model and an epitome of an excellent colleague and a leader. In the last 10 years, This categories of peoples have motivated and encouraged me to work relentlessly without expecting acknowledgement for they always make their work speak. This has helped me in inculcating their attributes and have tried to emulate on few occasions which ultimately would reward me in my future endeavor, if not now.

One decade has taught me to explore, to explore beyond debit and credit. It has taught me that in order to avoid getting belittle or ridicule, one shouldn’t get confined in a safe and same place getting stagnant, rather explore beyond ones day to day task. In a nutshell, we should never stop learning. The reading habit that I embraced and the hundreds of books I read in the last 10 years has helped me immensely in every department of mine. 

On a personal level, in the last 10 years, despite some hiccups on the way, I had been able to withstand and standstill due to the moral support I received daily from my loved ones. From being a juvenile to now being a man, The path wasn’t peace but a thought-provoking one. 

As His Majesty always reiterate and remind us of “ Civil servants to be an essence of good governance and its importance in the nation-building “ The medals granted to us today indicates an additional responsibility we need to shoulder to live up to the visions of His Majesties the Kings and to serve King, Country and Peoples for all times and weathers to come without letting our guard down.

Finally, Today, for being one of the recipients of the medal for successfully completing 10 years in service, I would like to rededicate and reaffirm to work for the larger interest of the society and to serve Tsa-wa-sum with utmost sincerity, perseverance, and hard work.


Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.


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