Chapter II

Life is a journey, walking on the path of mystery which encompasses trials and errors, wins, and losses and embarking to realize one’s goals holding a ray of hopes and positive mindset. Education and learning had always been on my radar and has scanned and explored all possible solutions and avenues to grab the gift of education.

The preconceived motive and the values and wisdom instilled upon me has reignited my passions and invoked my determinations to walk on the same road which has either remained idle or suppressed due to circumstantial needs.

The first chapter on this journey was getting enlisted and sailing on a boat of hopes and aspirations to further upgrade the qualification and accumulating broader perspective and knowledge over the course of time and ultimately holding the degree certificate.

However, sadly, this was beginning of the end.

The very thought of late-mover, reluctance, stagnation, and mediocrity has always bothered me taking a toll on my mental well-being often questioning myself by feeding negative and pessimistic intuitions.

Seeking comfort and taking solace in the 9 – 5 works has further compounded and prolonged to initiate next step and to come out of comfort zone to unlock one’s true potential. Nevertheless, the timely realization of my instinct and reminder made by my loved and known folks has played a pivotal role in unfurling of next chapter, I would rather call it as CHAPTER II.

This was not an easy decision, and it was also not a decision made over-night. Chapter II is a culmination of calculative risks taken, consultation, research and supports granted by peoples around.

After being break from classes, assignments, exams, and presentations for around 6 years, in next few days, in a proper classroom, the journey of education and up/re- skilling will continue.

This will not be an easy job but with perseverance and determination, I strive to succeed and withstand whatever obstacles that may befall over the course of time.

Published by Phurba Tshering

About me; An accountant by profession. Writing isn't my forte at all, But reading definitely is one.

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