Chapter II

Life is a journey, walking on the path of mystery which encompasses trials and errors, wins, and losses and embarking to realize one’s goals holding a ray of hopes and positive mindset. Education and learning had always been on my radar and has scanned and explored all possible solutions and avenues to grab the giftContinue reading “Chapter II”

The anxiety in the between.

During the trip, as expected and perceived, the places we visited were all gifting and enchanting with the sounds of humming and chirping birds and a roaring of a river flowing down towards the human settlements and being surrounded by mesmerizing mountains capped with snow which was tantamount to serenity and a much-needed boost toContinue reading “The anxiety in the between.”


I don’t know why I always had that zeal and has been inclined more towards English and improving my vocabulary since my high school days. I always envied and had the tendency to preach those who were fluent in English and has a good taste of grammar. In order to be at their caliber, I have triedContinue reading “THE JOURNEY OF AN AMATEUR WRITER.”


Since the inception of awarding of a medal after completing a dedicated number of years in a service, I have always looked forward to receiving my first recognition which would bestow me a sense of accomplishment. Today, I can proudly profess that I have completed 10 years of dedicated service to TSA-WA-SUM, and is oneContinue reading “ONE DECADE, FIRST MILESTONE.”