Letter to myself

Dear ME, To start off with, I am so proud of you. Life hasn’t been too easy on you lately, and I am truly sorry about that. But despite it all, you have managed to keep your head up and continue fighting throughout. You are a fighter, and I instilled this attitude since the dayContinue reading “Letter to myself”

“Jang Nan Ga Addict Dewala”

I was in XII standard at Yangchenphu Higher secondary school, 2007. It was teachers’ day. 2nd May. The school had a custom where on that particular occasion only the students of XII standard and the captains will be summoned to celebrate these special occasion and to pay tribute to our wonderful godlike teachers. Students wouldContinue reading ““Jang Nan Ga Addict Dewala””

Either you win or lose, but don’t forget the lesson.

This article has been written to be contributed for RTC’s Year Book 2017. Before I begin to write this article, I just want to make all reader aware that I am not writing this having the actualized mindset. I still hold’s lots of drawback and frequently commits’ error which sometimes gets beyond my own imagination.Continue reading “Either you win or lose, but don’t forget the lesson.”

It’s not same snowy day.

Those where the days when we use to welcome snow wholeheartedly and brace ourselves with the zeal to play with snow till our fingers aches and turns red, we made giant snow ball to which we wore them cloths , that would suffice to resemble snow man to human. attacking strangers passing via nearby footpathsContinue reading “It’s not same snowy day.”