Finally i adieu..

It’s a natural phenomenon , and I wholeheartedly accept feeling nostalgic having to leave the place I was born and raised soon. Recently I wasn’t the same I have been especially the containment of my mind.  I started to garner uneasy feeling and more important I procrastinated reading novels for I have never done the sameContinue reading “Finally i adieu..”

My Waste, My Responsibility.

I quote “Where we live must be clean, safe, organized , and beautiful, for national integrity, national Pride and for our bright future. This too is a nation building.” His Majesty the King, 1st April 2015, Royal Bhutan flower exhibition. Do we people lack sense of responsibility and civic sense when it comes to managingContinue reading “My Waste, My Responsibility.”

My Stay In Trashigang.

It was Convocation day in RIM, Director gave his speech as usual but the bulletin point was when he said “Diploma holder should appear RCSC exam and only limited sit are available in Government organization and rest need to see their own vacancy”. Upon hearing, I am sure all my cohorts have had some uneasy feelingContinue reading “My Stay In Trashigang.”

My First Step

I did my high School from Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School and after that got a privileged to do undergraduate course ( Diploma in Financial Management) at RIM. Being placed at Trashigang Dzongkhag for past three years and seeing my friends holding Degree certificate had always given me a dissatisfaction and unhappiness inside me. since weContinue reading “My First Step”

My Father’s Final Call To His Service.

I had always felt it’s time now to get superannuated but with broader mind, i also believed that the superannuation would not come sooner. But on night of  14/09/2015 , all out of sudden, my father who have served his king, Country and Royal Bhutan Army for around 32 years gave me a nostalgia feeling.Continue reading “My Father’s Final Call To His Service.”

Slaughter House Saga

Few months ago, the very controversy arosed when someone out of no where have written an petition to Government to stop construction of slaughter of house as Bhutan being holistic and buddhist country. And the copy of letter been uploaded and shared via social media. People from all walks of life have shown their disapproval and disappointmentContinue reading “Slaughter House Saga”